Lifeless planet switch download free
Lifeless planet switch download free

lifeless planet switch download free

  • Alien Geometries: At one point there's a log from the Soviets, in which they glimpse what they think is this through the portal, because the results are visually bizarre.
  • Averted in the end, with the woman allowing herself (with her genetically-modified ability to regrow the local moss) to be absorbed back by the planet, restoring it to verdancy. Turns out, everything else on the planet either fed off the moss or fed off that which ate the moss. The human's exploitation of the local moss ('Green Fire') introduced a virus into it, setting off an ecological downward spiral.
  • Somewhat weakened, plot-wise, because the warnings only pop up in areas close to where oxygen replacement modules are found.
  • Almost Out of Oxygen: Happens periodically throughout the game.
  • An Aesop: Even with the best intentions, meddling with an unknown ecosystem might have disastrous results.
  • It follows the exploits of an astronaut who has crashed down on what was thought to be a lush planet, but has turned out to be a barren wasteland, devoid of life save for the remnants of a Soviet colony and a mysterious woman wandering around the landscape. A Spiritual Successor named Lifeless Moon was due to come out in 2021, but it's still in development.

    lifeless planet switch download free

    An Updated Re-release titled Lifeless Planet: Premier Edition followed for Xbox One on May 13th, 2015, PS4 on July 19th, 2016, and Nintendo Switch on September 6th, 2018.

    lifeless planet switch download free

    Lifeless Planet is an indie Puzzle Platformer, developed by Stage 2 Studios and released on June 6th, 2014 for PC.

    Lifeless planet switch download free